Flag of Northern Ireland


Location of Northern IrelandThis flag is sometimes called St. Patric's flag. Northern Ireland is one of the four nations constituting Britain (Northern Island, England, Wales, and Scottland), and the design is a part of what composes the British flag's design. It was instituted when the nation was granted autonomy over internal affairs in 1782, but the flag has been unofficial since 1972. On top of the St. George's Cross also found in the English flag design is the crown, six pointed star, and the right hand.
Cross image

It's called St.George's Cross, it represents the St. George is the patron saint of England

It is part of what constitues the British flag (Union Jack)

Crown image "Crown" Sense of belonging to England
Star image Six states in Northern Ireland
Hand image

When the commander said "I shall give a treat to the first man to touch the enemy's ground with his right hand",

Derived from the myth that the left-handed O'Niel cut off his own right hand and threw it into the enemy land

Country Data
Area 13,843km²
Capital Belfast
Language English
Major industry Fiber, Service Industry
Currency Pound sterling