Flag of EU (European Communities)

EU (欧州共同体)の旗画像

Location of EUInstitued in 1999, as the flag of EU (European Union), which was established to enable easy movement within the region, integrated the economy, and established a common currency. 12 stars are depicted in the center, and the number 12 symbolizes such values as safety, luck, eternity etc. The blue base represents peace and frienship. The design is based on that of the Council of Europe, a governmental body including members from respective European nation.
Blue image Peace, friendship
Twelve stars image "Star of 12" Solidarity of European countries, perfect, eternity
Country Data
Member states United Kingdom, Denmark, Estonia, Netherlands, Germany, Latvia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Poland, France, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Slovenia, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Malta, Cyprus, Croatia