Flag of Papua New Guinea

Flag of Papua New Guinea image

Location of Papua New GuineaThe design was publicly sought for and was made official in 1971, during the Austrialian colonial days. The yellow bird represents the bird of paradise. The bird of paradise is the symbol of wealth, happiness, and friendship. It has golden wings, and legend goes that it eats the wind to live. The five white stars on the left express the Southern Cross, which symbolizes the southern hemisphere. Also, the red color represents the sun and the citizens' power, while black expresses the black skin of the Melanesian people.
Bird of paradise image "Bird-of-paradise" symbol of wealth and happiness and the friendship
Southern Cross image Southern Cross
Black image Citizens
Country Data
Area 463,000km²
Capital Port Moresby
Language English, Pisin English, Motu
Major industry Mining, Agriculture, Forestry
Currency Kina