Flag of Marshall

Flag of Marshall image

Location of MarshallThe flag was instituted in 1970, when the autonomous government inaugurated. The blue base represents the Pacific Ocean, and the orange and white lion, the Rataka and Ralik islands. In the Marshall islands, orange has traditionally symbolized courage, and white, peace. In the upper left the 24 streaks of light represent the 24 districts. The longer four streaks represent the main districts and also the cross of Christ.
Light image "24 pieces of light" the number of municipality, "the four light" cross, symbol in a Christian country
Blue image Pacific ocean
Orange and white slanted line image Ratak Chain and Ralik Chain, Development of the country
White image Peace
Orange image Courage
Country Data
Area 181km²
Capital Majuro
Language Marshallese, English
Major industry Agriculture, Fishery
Currency U.S. Dollar