Flag of Kiribati

キFlag of Kiribati image

Location of KiribatiExpressed in the flag is the fact that the country has the most advanced time zone and thus is the first to enjoy the morning of a new day. The white and light blue curves express the waves of the Pacific Ocean, and also is depicted the sun rising from the horizon. Also, the three white waves represent the three main islands of Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands, and Line Islands. The bird flying above the sun is the frigate bird and symbolizes strength and freedom.
Warship bird image "Frigate bird" Symbol of freedom
The morning sun image The earliest morning sun in the world
Wave image "Three white wave" Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands, Line Islands
Country Data
Area 720km²
Capital Tarawa
Language Kiribati, English
Major industry Fishery, Fishing, Cobra Production
Currency Australian Dollar