Flag of Austria

Flag of Austria image

Location of AustriaAccording to legends, it is said that the red, white, and red horizontally divided flag was derived from the story of how the Austrian Duke Leopold Ⅴ used his white uniform, which was tainted by the Muslim enemy's blood in all areas but the belt, as a flag in the the Third Crusade of late 12th century. There is a governmental flag besides the national flag, and in the center of that flag is the national emblem of an eagle with a broken chain on its feet, symbolizing freedom.
Red -white-red image

Derived from how the Austrain Duke's uniform was stained red with the enemy's blood,

leving only the belt remaining white, during the Crusade battles.

Country Data
Area 84,000km²
Capital Vienna
Language German
Major industry Steel, Metal Processing, Tourism
Currency Euro