Flag of The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Flag of The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste image

Location of The Democratic Republic of Timor-LesteThe flag used when the East Timor independence revolution battlefront, which led the battles for independence (FRETLIN), declared independence in 1975, and was made official at the 2002 declaration of independence. The meaning of the colors are described in the East Timor Law. Yellow represents the "colonial past", black, the "the anti-enlightenment philosophies that needs to be overcome", white stars, "peace", and the red base, "battle for the country's freedome".
White image Peace
Star image Hope for future
Black image Hardships of colonial era
Yellow image Arrowhead, fight for independence
Red image The blood of those who died for the struggle for independence
Country Data
Area 15,000km²
Capital Dili
Language Tetum, Portuguese
Major industry Agriculture
Currency United States Dollar