Flag of Panama

Flag of Panama image

Location of PanamaThe current flag was made official in 1925. The concept was made by the first President Manuel Amador Guerrero and developed by the First Lady Maria de la Ossa de Amador when Columbia gained independence in 1903. The red and blue colors represent the Liberals and Conservatives - the two parties that existed at the time of independence. White represents harmony between the two in establishing the nation. The blue star represents sincerity, and the red star, authority and law.
Red and blue image Blue/red - represents the two political parties at time of independence, the Conservatives (blue) and Liberals (red)
White image Cooperation of both, peace
Blue star image Justice and chastity
Red star image Authority and law
Country Data
Area 75,517km²
Capital Panama City
Language Spanish
Major industry Ports and Shipping Industry
Currency Balboa, United States dollar