Flag of Union of Comoros

Flag of Union of Comoros image

Location of Union of ComorosThe flag was changed to the current one when the nation changed names from the Federal and Islamic Republic of Comoros to the current Union of Comoros in 2001. The crescent moon and star depicted on the trimmings on the left symbolize Islam. It is said that yellow represents the sun and progress, white, freedom and purity, red, blood shed for independence, and blue, the Indian Ocean. The four colors and four stars express the four islands of the Comoros.
Moon and star image Crescent moon and stars - Muslim symbol
Four stars and four stripe image Four stars and four-colored stripe - 4 islands that constitute a country
Yellow image Muwari island, sun, progress
White image Mayotte, freedom, chastity
Red image Ndzuwani, the blood of those who died for the struggle for independence
Blue image Njajija Island, Indian Ocean
Country Data
Area 2,236km²
Capital Moroni
Language Comorian, Arabic, French
Major industry Agriculture
Currency Comorian franc